WARNING: This product contains nicotine. Nicotine is an addictive chemical

Refund policy

We value each of our customers shopping experience with us. We understand defects can happen. We are here to help.

Returns and Exchange Policy:

We can offer returns of unopened, unused, undamaged, or defective items purchased on our website for a refund or exchange within 14 days of original purchase.

Before you initiate the return, please have your order number, full name, shipping address, email address and pictures of the current condition of the item ready.

For sanitary and safety purposes, we will not accept returns on opened or used items: e-liquids, open cartridges, replacement coils, tanks, RDA, RDTA and rechargeable batteries.

If a non-defective item is opened and used, we will not accept it back under any circumstances and they are not subject to a refund. For unopened or unused items, we will accept the return with no restocking fees. For manufacturer defects on the original item, there will be no service fees. Please see return shipping cost below.

All "Dead on Arrivals" (DOA), Missing, or Wrong Item claims must be reported back to us within 48 hours from the time of delivery. Please inspect your items carefully upon receiving it, it is your responsibility to check within the time span and notify us of any problem. Minor scratches, cosmetic issues, and discoloration are considered normal wear and tear and is not covered by warranty.

We do not guarantee compatibility between items. If you have any questions about compatibility, please do your research or send us a question before placing your order. We will not accept returns due to incompatibility.

Note: Atomizers such as tanks, RDAs, RTAs, and RDTAs purchased on our website are intended only for use with e-liquids. Any use of cannabis oil, cannabis-based substances, CBD oil, or similar liquids will void any warranty on our products and we will not accept it for a return.

Return Shipping Costs:

In regards to the cost of shipment for returns, customers are responsible for the costs to ship the items back to us. Once we receive the items and approve the return, we will bear the shipping costs for the replacement items or issue the payments of the product if it is for a refund. Shipping charges on purchase and returns are not refundable.

Refund Process

Refund may only be issued back to the original payment (Credit card, debit card, etc). Strikesusa is not responsible for refunds to a Prepaid Card in the event the cardholder no longer has possession of.